Sunday, August 1, 2010

Farmer's Market Sunday

worked the farmers market from 8:00 to 1pm.
I am NOT loving the fact that one of my days off are taken away. But I do like helping Mr. Abbott, and it really is a kick in the pants to meet new people and especially the other vendors . Ron the strawberry guy is really nice and we trade him pistachios for strawberries..
A few weeks ago I met this family who is originally from Bolivia, his mom makes home-made soaps and lotions and other items.
We gave him Brazil nuts today and some of the Strawberries that Ron gave us, and he came back and gave us some shea butter soap and a bath bomb ... (so can't wait to use that)
I bought some loose leaf tea and a tea maker . YUM. Cant wait to use that tomorrow.
I am not meant for heat... (just saying )
Freaking Las Vegas Summers... the only reason to move ...
well.. not the only reason.
I got really sick when I got home . My arms and legs hurt (dehydration) this is WITH drinking 2 gallons of water today AND A gatorade G2. My calves are very crampy .. The foot I broke last may swelled up and I had to stick it in an ice bath when I got home ...
I totally forgot to do my shot today ... I can't believe it .. I never forget.
Oh well start back up tomorrow and go from there.
Funny that even with no shot I am craving something like a nice cold saladwith maybe some chicken strips in it.
I wish I had a day off tomorrow. I know I would sleep most of the day ... but alas.. no rest for the weary I will be up at 430 am and at work at 6.
have I stated that I am SO over being a grown up?


  1. Take care of yourself today!!! I remember the heat in Vegas. We got married there in August 2008. When I walked outside it was like an oven door being opened and hitting me smack in the face. It was a dry hot heat not like the humidity we get here when it is over 45 celcius with the humidex. I completely do not know farenheit as I grew up with celcius.

    Do you skip every 7th day or are you doing a 23 day round. Usually when you skip a day you lose better the next - that has been my experience.

  2. Thanks for the info .. I do a 6 week round . so I do continuous shots for 6 weeks and then off for 3 weeks maintenance. I have felt really good skipping a day amazingly enough :)
    I didn't eat or indulge yesterday .. .but I felt like crap most of the day after working outside. it has been crazy hot and oh yeah we are in monsoon season so ... yay humidity hits las vegas. I am thinking that I may try the skipping a day method. I can't break this 10 pound loss .. and I want to make it over that hill to lose even more.
    let me know if you have any suggestions :)
