Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Good feeling .... Gone...

feeling very VERY frustrated right now.
I am feeling alot of stress still.... Plus Mr. Abbott is having one of those weeks where he is being kind of a jerk.
circle of life and all.
I am sure I am not always his favorite person either.
Anywho ... kind of a bad day at work yesterday .. still recovering.
then no sleep last night. double bleh.
Went out with Susan today... we had girl time that was cool.
O.o I forgot to tell you about the loose leaf tea that I bought I got one called BERRY BLAST it is simply amazing ... it is now my favorite tea. :)
anywho... bad week but life is good


  1. Hope you're feeling better. These are the usual highs and lows that almost all of us experience while on protocol. I've had several ups and downs recently and my husband drives me crazy most of the time. Life happens and then the issues pass and it just means trying to stay strong and carry on. ((Hugs to you ))

  2. Thanks Kathryn .
    I really needed to hear this . thank you , I am so glad to know there is others out there experiencing the same things.

  3. I hope you get to feeling better, just remember, "This too shall pass". I think all men have their "jerk" weeks, but we have to love them anyway. Keep your head up girlie and here's to a better day tomorrow for all of us!!

  4. AMEN TO THAT!!!
    yeah I am just kind of over Mr. Abbott this week.So i have gotten very ... ambivilant.
    I am feeling a bit better saw the chiropractor and the headache is better :) YAY
