Thursday, October 14, 2010

Happy Thursday

It is friday eve... it just means another day to me.

My life pretty much consists of perusing the internet - netflix... and tv... alot of tv...

I have discovered I watch too much TRU-tV which is beginning to dampen my belief in humanity. there are some crazy evil people out there.

So I switched to over to LifeTime ...

yeahhhh now I cry with all the sappy chick flicks.

I did see that there is a new show coming out .. on DIY TV - Vanilla Ice... is a certified contractor and will be doing some awesome home repairs.. and I have it on DVR set for tonite. yay

cheesy or not I Luh-ove him ... totally hottie .

So I thought I would pimp his show ... and play some vanilla ice ice baby

Read more about his show here it even shows a really cool video...

things are better... still just dealing .. so tired of being confined... but life goes on .. same day .. same chair !

1 comment:

  1. Vanilla ice-ice baby..da da da dadada da...
    yes, I'm dancing in my chair. 80s style.

    Is it sad that I still know the words to this song??

    Hopefully the confinement will end soon dahling! I watch USA mostly since I'm confined to the house during the day. idk if you are a house fan, but thursdays are House marathons, I can't remember what today is...
    Hang in there!
