Tuesday, May 4, 2010


It has been a hard few days .
I am struggling with my guy being out of town and away from me. He has told me he has a job interview in another town which would mean a permanent move for the both of us.
I say I will see what happens.
We are going to LA this weekend . I am apprehensive about food plans when we are there. I am used to prepping my meals . Also want to make sure that we take a cooler for the hcg.
I picked up my new supply and Larry says that I am doing well. This week I feel really blah. I am not getting enough sleep and I know this.
it is affecting my time on the scale.
this morning I got up and gave myself my injection and OMG it hurt BAD ... I have a bruise on my thigh and I have NO idea what I did differently.
I have to make chocolate chip cookies for this officer that helped me with something tomorrow. I am dreading the cookie smell. I am hoping it will be nauseating rather than tempting.
I prepped my next 5 meals . I made some steak and I made some citrus chicken . For the chicken I made a mixture of lemon and lime juice , adobo seasoning, a little garlic and salt thyme. And it ws de-lish-us... or delicious.
Found a soda named Zevia made with Stevia. It curbs the want for real soda... and it also curbs the sweet tooth.
my question of the week is does distance make the heart grow fonder or ... does it make it wander...
oh well until tomorrow


  1. If he has your heart in the first place, then yes, distance defiantly makes the heart grow fonder.

    I hope you are feeling better today and made it through the cookie making experience with a weight loss.

    If you go to your public library you can find a book called "I can make you thin" by Paul McKenna. Its amazing and its really helped me though events like Birthday's. Its also the method I will be using when I am finally done with Hcg. That and T-Tapp and the Clean Eating Diet. Anyway, I thought of it when you said you had to make cookies... what torture... So if you get a chance to check out Paul McKenna I think you might benefit from his Guided Hypnosis CD. Its awesome, it helps you sleep too. I copied it to my iPod and I listen to it every night.

    Take care there


  2. Rainey~*
    I just saw a tv show on that book . I am in on buying it. Thank you for sharing. :) Things are better relationship wise... we don't have conventional ... but I have never been loved this much. Cookie making was put off... I do it tomorrow. I don't even look forward to smelling them. I find that really sweet smells make me feel ill :(
