Wednesday, August 18, 2010

ohhhh woe is me...

well.. not woe..
but I am sad.
My poor little focus ... 7100.00 worth of damage. Freaking out just a little.
Driving the rental is nice... but I got to say .. weird. I feel really funky about it.
It isn't my car...
I am worried about when I get my car back that it will not be the same. That it won't drive the same or FEEL the same. It is hard to drive as it is right now.
I am considering trading in my vehicle when I get it back and possibly getting something less small... But I don't know if it is affordable.
I will have to see.
I am sure God will make a way. But right now it is hard to see.
my heart is sooo worried . I really don't have the money for my deductable or anything. Living on my own is really hard .. and honestly money is a constant worry.
All I can do is live life one day at a time...


  1. I have been where you are, and I know how hard it truly is. First and foremost I want you to know that I am VERY happy that you weren't hurt worse. I read what happened to you and I am so incredibly sorry that you had to go through that. Thank God for the blessing that you were able to walk away from it.
    I know it isn't easy to see it this way, but girl, just breathe. Things have a funny way of working themselves out...even when we don't see how that could be possible. I am not sure what your faith is, or how strong it is, but I will tell you that, "If God brought you to it, he will bring you through it." Pray and keep your head up. Things are going to be ok. Try not to look at the problem as a whole. As you said, live one day at a time.
    I'm praying for you, and if you need anyone to talk to...I'm here.

  2. So sorry that you had that accident! I so understand financial issues and its a real stressor every day. Hope you can figure it out and heal well too!

  3. Thanks so much :) Trish and Catatonic.
    very stressful right now .. but God is in the details :)
    It will get worked out ...
