Monday, August 23, 2010


I would totally like to un-do the events of this past week.
It seems if ONE thing is going to go wrong ... a bunch of OTHER things jump on board and make it feel like a landslide of crap.
I am getting ready to start back on protocol I went off for a week because it is difficult to take my injections with me when traveling ... ( not really an excuse but I have to keep hcg refrigerated and do not like the thought of traveling in a cooler and not knowing if I will be able to have access to a fridge)
I have not really been eating all that unhealthy .
Or alot of portion size.
I have found that if I over eat even by a few bites ... my stomach hurts or I get sick.
I prefer neither of those options. ;)
So with my car -- ::sigh:: It is still in the shop. I am still worrying about money. More so now.
Mr. Abbott has decided to take a trip down jerkhead road.
pardon me ladies while I vent about this man I adore whom I really want to strangle right now.
His friend Shaun came into town Saturday.
I cleaned house... I mean REALLY cleaned house - baseboards... everything to make sure our home would be presentable to his friend so he could stay with us.
Apparently Mr. Abbott had other plans.
He had his friend Regina.. loan them her house for them to stay in so they could be buddy-buddy for a week while Shaun is here for his pool tournament.
ummm ok?
He did not even say that this is what he wanted to do... Saturday after getting up early and slaving myself over the house on a stress fractured ankle... he tells me as he is walking out the door to pick up Shaun at the airport.
He has not been home in two days.
I am ... hurt.. furious and confused.
It isn't that I don't trust him... I want him to enjoy his time with Shaun they haven't seen each other in 3 years...
But i thought that he would at least ... text.. or call or something.
and I am left wondering ...
Should I be this angry?
Am I stupid... and this is just plain wrong?
I am feeling insecure ... and not sure where this relationship is headed.
I have decided with the alone time that me and my yoga mat... and turbo jam and the gym will be seeing alot more of each other.
That and I am going to catch up with friends I rarely see.
How would you feel if this was your person?
How would you handle it?
am I crazy in being upset?
let me know...
Have a great week ya'll and remember it is make a difference monday - be the change in the world you want to see... perform a random act of kindness for a complete stranger.... and see how awesome it makes you feel ... today I bought coffee for the man behind me in line. :)


  1. You have every right to be FURIOUS with him for doing that!!! I get the fact that sometimes men are clueless, but that's a bit much!! He's not even my person and I'm pissed at him. I'd probably put icy hot in his underwear. As far as the stresses in your life, I will pray that you find peace VERY soon....and I'm thinking I want to stand behind you in line next time you go buy coffee ;)

  2. Trisha...
    I would buy you coffee even NOT on a Monday.. :)
    Thank you for validating my feelings, I really appreciate your friendship and support .\

  3. Sounds like he's taking you forgranted. Your plan to focus on yourself will hopefully give him the message and make him realize that you have a life too and if he wants to be a part of your life then he better start focusing on you more. See how things are when he comes back but yes, you have every right to feel this way and it's not over-reacting.

  4. Thank you Kathryn ... I appreciate your comment. Sometimes I don't know if I am just being insecure..
    It helps to hear other women's opinions .. (so i know i am not crazy ;) )

  5. girlfriend we are ALL crazy...but its the men that make us that way :)
